Hi! I am Adriana, and I study biochemistry, French, and dance at CU Boulder. I spun in the Green Mountain High School Winter Guard in 2013 and 2014. I joined Anesidora for the 2015 winter season. I marched with the Denver Flaggots in various LGBT Pride parades throughout the summer of 2015. I spent the 2016 summer season marching in the Santa Clara Vanguard Cadets and marched with Troopers for the 2017 summer season. I am a tech for the Monarch High School Winter Guard and the Ralston Valley High School Winter Guard. I love color guard, and I can’t wait for this season!
Hey! I’m Adrianna Burns I spun with Dakota Ridge for four years. My favorite piece of equipment is rifle. My favorite color is purple. I’m currently working two jobs. I’m excited for this upcoming winter season.
Hi! My name is Arielle. I study pre-dental Biology at Regis University. I started spinning when I was 12 in the 8th grade for Lakewood High School and spun for them for 5 years and a total of 10 seasons. I took a year off and was a cast member for the 2017 Oracle Performance Ensemble this past summer. This will be my 11th season spinning and my first with Anesidora. I’m excited to see what this season holds!
Hi, my name’s Caitlan. This is my first year spinning with Anesidora and I’m super excited to be a part of such an amazing group! This will be my third season of colorguard. I spun one season with Mysterium EOS and my second with Prairie View High School. I am a freshman at University of Northern Colorado studying Nursing.