2025 Auditions

Anesidora Winter Guard is a three time A Class WGI finalist winter guard based out of Arvada Colorado.
If you are planning on auditioning for the 2025 season, we strongly encourage you to attend our Summer Camps.
Join us on September 8th for the pre-audition camp. If you attend the pre-audition camp, you will receive $10 off your audition fee.


To keep up to date with audition information feel free to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
Anesidora 2025 will be having an A Class team & Open Class team, more information to come.

Audition Info

Date – September 15, 2024
Doors Open –
Audition Time –
Location –

What to bring?
– Dance Blacks (Form Fitting, Black Clothes)
– Water Bottle
– Any Weapons You Would Like to Spin
– Gloves& Knee Pads, If Needed
– Snacks

What Can I Work on Before Auditions?

The staff will be heavily looking for body quality and have a large focus on technique for the 2025 auditions.
Free hands on all tosses are open handed.

Flag Basics
– Drop Spins
– Double Time Spins
– Cones, Regular & Inverted
– Flourishes

– Basics (All on Left & Right Side): Single, Single & Half, Double,
Standard 45, One Handed 45, Pop Toss, Prayer Toss, Cross Toss, Bomb Toss)
– “Big Momma” 45 (The flag hit toss from the 2024 season, without the turn)
– Double w/ Turn Arounds (on right side, but feel free to learn left side too)
– Lasso 45s

-Any additional 45s or tricks you may know!

Weapon Basics
– Drop Spins
– Double-time Spins (One Handed & Two Handed)
– Flourishes
– Right Handed Singles-Fives
– Blade Singles-Triples
– Doubles Squared

-Turn Arounds (under any rotation you are comfortable with, ideally 5s & 6s)

-Any additional tricks you may know!

Dance Basics
– Center: Plies, Tendus, Pirouettes (1+)
– Across The Floor: Jazz Walks, Prances, Chaine Turns, Jumps
-Any additional turns & tricks you may know!

If you have any questions about auditions, technique, or any of the skills listed above, feel free to reach out to us via email or on Instagram messages!